Online training and consultations available.

> Uncover your strengths.

Aimee has provided consultations for people in a wide variety of occupations and life stages. One manager said, “I thought I knew myself pretty well. This is life-changing information!”

In a world filled with competing voices, it’s easy to become distracted. To underestimate our abilities and overlook our passions. To miss seeing patterns that can inform our next steps.

A consultation can help you listen to yourself, identify your strengths, and make sure that your choices are in line with your vision for the future.

Aimee specializes in using the Strong Interest Inventory® and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)®, both of which offer keen insights into your most fulfilling possibilities.

Aimee has provided consultations for people in a wide variety of occupations and life stages. One manager said, “I thought I knew myself pretty well. This is life-changing information!”

You can take confidential online assessments through Aimee’s specialized website and then book a convenient time to discuss your results over the phone.

If you want to explore the benefits of research-informed assessments, contact Aimee to discuss a consultation. Investing in yourself now can sharpen your focus or even set you on a whole new path. 

The Strong Interest Inventory®

Maybe you’re at the midpoint of your career and would like to re-evaluate your plan. Maybe you’re just starting out and want to give yourself the best chance of finding meaningful work. 

The Strong Interest Inventory identifies your key motivators and specifies the top careers that match your interests.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

Millions of people worldwide have found the MBTI® to be a powerful tool for understanding themselves, enhancing relationships, managing stress, and making sound decisions.

As a master practitioner of the MBTI, Aimee has worked with individuals, couples, and families who want to better understand themselves, improve communication with others, and learn how to leverage their strengths. She would be happy to help you to maximize your understanding of your report and apply it to your life.  

Providing Workshops Consultations Facilitation Training for Individuals or Companies.